Saturday, August 31, 2013

Look It Up

"If you don't know how to spell it then look it up!" My momma would always say that to me whenever I asked her to spell any word. My response was simply "How am I suppose to look it up if I can't spell it?". Which is true. But I thank her for that because it made me a better speller and got me in the habit of always looking words up and not being ashamed to not know what they mean. Learning something new is always a great feeling.
Inquiry means "a seeking or requesting for truth, information, or knowledge.(  I think inquiry means learning the truth about life. Coming to a realization that what you been have told or what you have been doing isn't always right.
Another word I word learned was Archaeology. It is the study of human kind or human experience over multiple years. I knew the word had 'the study of' since ology was in it. Prefixes go a long way.
The last word I learned was  in the Media and Everyday life class. Persuasion to me always meant convincing someone to believe what you want them to. The actual definition for it is the coproduction of meaning achieved when the sender of a messages succeeds in audiences identifying with that message. This class and these blogs pretty much go hand in hand hopefully it will help me out.

8am Practices?!

Volleyball is my first love. I play on he Women's Volleyball team here at SCSU. I have only been playing this sport for 4 years going on 5 and i I absolutely love it. Even though everywhere I go on campus I get the same question, "You play ball?" or "You run track?". No one ever suspects me to be a volleyball player which I don't mind. I love seeing the reaction. 
People think playing a sport in college is the same as high school but its a lot more work. Especially when you are a freshmen. There's a lot to learn. My teammates are very patient with me which I am thankful for. I guess they just think back to when they were a freshmen and feel sorry for me. 
Practices are tough. No AC just a big fan blowing in the corner. I am use to it now. A lot of people don't think too highly of Pelz gymnasium. Fortunately  during the summer they repainted the walls and out in new bleachers. It looks a lot better. I know, I know you must be asking why we don't play in the field house. Well gather around I have a story to tell. In 2007 the Women's basketball time when the title. As a gift they we're given a brand new basketball floor BUT the coach didn't want to put volleyball holes in it. So we can not place our poles there hence we can't play there. 
I love all the positives and the negatives. I just deal with it. It's just something i can add to my big collage. I actually only had one complaint the two-a-day practice. Try four days of those and then tell me Volleyball isn'y a tough sport.

Does my opinion matter?

I love food! Any blog about food and how to make it is my type of blog. It's great learning to make and try different things. That's just my opinion. 
Why would I try to keep up with a blog that does not post things that often. It's really annoying. I would like someone who keeps my interest on a weekly basis. Twice a week is a treat. That's just my opinion.
Businesses are great to know about if your that type of person. Someone who was just browsing the internet or maybe through different blogs wouldn't really take interest into that. That's just my opinion
My blog's I'm not really sure what I want to do. I want the reader to feel like I'm actually speaking to them. I want to become their friend. I want them to stay interested in my posts. I would love to have a Q&A blog that would be fun. I give great advice. Will you listen to my opinion? I also would like to connect with people on a personal level. I would like to let my readers know they are not the only ones with a problem.
Somehow every blog I want to make a catchy title that connects with what I'm writing about but not have to explain it for my readers to understand.
Sometimes I'll even vent on my blog but in an appropriate matter. I might just want to know if my opinion matters sometimes.


A collage means any collection of diverse things. Wouldn't you say collage is like one big collage? Just a simple letter change can connect to a lot of things. College is a new beginning but its another piece or picture to add to the big collage thats we have been making since our born day. 
I know will be adding on another cap and gown, more student athlete accomplishments, ad hopefully one or two dean's lists honors. There are so many things I can accomplish if I put my mind to it. But then again theres always the thought in the back of my head that says I can't.
This Friday my third day of classes it all hit me at once. I am in college. I am a student athlete. I am on my own. I am responsible for what I say and do. I immediately started to freak out but then I realized I needed to focus on the tasks at hand. Yes college does affect and will affect everything I do in the future. , but the way I handle it is focusing on the present. Focusing on what I do here and now is my future.
This all brings me back to the collage. No one can addd anything but myself. My college experience is what I determine it to be. At orientation and in high school everyone tells you what to expect but you have to see it for yourself. You have all control on you life's collage.