Saturday, August 31, 2013

Look It Up

"If you don't know how to spell it then look it up!" My momma would always say that to me whenever I asked her to spell any word. My response was simply "How am I suppose to look it up if I can't spell it?". Which is true. But I thank her for that because it made me a better speller and got me in the habit of always looking words up and not being ashamed to not know what they mean. Learning something new is always a great feeling.
Inquiry means "a seeking or requesting for truth, information, or knowledge.(  I think inquiry means learning the truth about life. Coming to a realization that what you been have told or what you have been doing isn't always right.
Another word I word learned was Archaeology. It is the study of human kind or human experience over multiple years. I knew the word had 'the study of' since ology was in it. Prefixes go a long way.
The last word I learned was  in the Media and Everyday life class. Persuasion to me always meant convincing someone to believe what you want them to. The actual definition for it is the coproduction of meaning achieved when the sender of a messages succeeds in audiences identifying with that message. This class and these blogs pretty much go hand in hand hopefully it will help me out.

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