Saturday, November 2, 2013


A Research Paper.. What's The First Step?

In addition to being a student athlete, we are required to do mandatory study table time and attend workshops that are held throughout the week.  This week I attended part two of a workshop on Wednesday that provided tips about how to write a research paper.  The first step in writing a research paper is creating a plan and starting early so you are not rushed trying to finish it.  Then you can start your research and notecards.  The best way to take notecards is to put them in piles according to subject.  Once the notecards are finished, you create an outline for the paper.  Next, you can write a rough draft according to the outline you made.  After the first rough draft is written, there should be three revisions.  The first revision is reading through the paper and making sure the organization makes sense and there is enough information.  The next revision is reading through and looking for grammar and spelling errors.  The final revision is having someone else read your paper through and having them correct the errors they find.  This workshop was very helpful because I am currently working on a research paper for my archaeology class and these steps will make it much easier to complete.

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