Sunday, November 17, 2013


Think Outside The Box

"There will not be fixed careers. The liberal arts teaches you to think out side the box."(Rebecca Chopp  President Of Swathmore College) Liberal Arts is are those subjects or skills that in classical antiquity were considered essential for a free person to know in order to take an active part in civic life. (

Liberal Arts in an education that its a more optimistic learning process. The value of a liberal arts education is everything. You learn to try and fail but not to accept it. You learn skills that can be used in real life situations. You learn to preserver and have motivation.

A liberal arts education provides students to add quality to their character. It helps them become more well rounded. A normal education does prepare you for your job and the field that you will be working in but it doesn't prepare you for the stress. If your boss tell you to do something and you don't quite understand you're not going to tell him you quit. You have to ask a question to understand what you're doing, get help from other people, and work hard at completing the task.

A specific degree does allow you to know your field very well but getting that degree you should experience different classes. This is what Southern does. They have tiers that is required. Its like every tier has a different category to fulfill with 8 classes as a choice. It has nothing to do with your major but it's good to think outside of what you know. It's a good thing even though I'm a social work major. I love my media class. It's interesting talking a media molds our perspective on everything we see. I can always change my minor to a media study if i like it that much. Also other classes cause you to see if you really want to major in the field you chose. Being 17 or 18 and choosing what you're going to do for the rest of your life is a big decision.

Liberal arts allows you to think outside the box and think critically. It's probable the better way to educate someone.

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