Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Self Reflection

This semester started off rough but got easier each day of my survival. Yes I said survival. Your first year experience is based in perseverance. Only the strong can survive being away from home for such a long time. It flew by very quickly. Although most of the things people of told me about college weren't true. All the scary stories about dorms, the food, and the professors were all crap. The first semester is what you make of it. Which is exactly what I did.

The first semester has taught me a lot about myself. The most important thing I learned is that I can be independent. I have always had a sense of independence since I am an only child. I learned that I can truly manage my time very well. I'm still learning since its only the first semester. There's another semester ahead of me. Especially since it's cold outside now. I have to stay war and healthy.

My biggest challenges were starting off the semester with preseason and going straight into classes then starting our traveling. It was hard to deal with all of that in the matter of two weeks. After a while I got use to it. At first these challenges were what seemed like impossible to face but I became good friend with a teammate who live way farther away than me. It just made me realized how good I had it. I could go home whenever I wanted but she had to wait until Christmas.

My biggest achievement was being able to handle all the choices of going out or staying in. I knew some nights I had to do work instead of going out to party or even going to a friends room in my dorm hall.

Sone new habits I have learned are to study in my common room instead of in my own room. It's a lot more helpful and less distracting. In my room I can be distracted by anything. So moving to a new area is so much better. I have been to my professors office hours and made an appointment at the writing center. Both of these things were helpful. I was nervous at first but got over it. This upcoming semester I plan to ask more question when I need help and find people in my class to study with.

I have been very successful with my work in all my course. Sometimes I did slack off a little but in the end I always made sure everything was done. A good majority of my time this semester went towards work and volleyball. The result of this was great. Although we were traveling a lot there was always wifi on our buss going to games or even in the hotels we stayed at. My teammates would always try and help each other with homework regardless of how hard it was.

My grades were okay this semester they could've been better. They went up and down in some classes but others stayed the same. I realized that classes I had low grades in I had no business having that grade. I tried to bring up all my grades and the end of the semester especially since my coach was disappointed. Every class I took I learned so much that I never had known before. Some were interesting others were boring. Although I took as much information from them as I could. To maximize my learning I know I can take more classes that capture my interest but until then I can just make the best out of any class.

My goals at the begginning of the semester have been met. I was mainly focused on time management. I wanted to be focused on work and volleyball. I also wanted to have a social life. It all worked out. Not exactly how I pictured to but it did. I am where I hoped I would be at this point in my college career. Now that I know what to expect I feel like I'll be even better next semester.

My goals for next semester are basically the same as the first. Spring season starts back up when we get back to school and so do our 6am practices. I am not looking forward to those at all. I know I can't be late for one or my whole team will suffer. I want to get my work done since we wont have study tables next semester. Also since it will be getting warm eventually I know I'm going to want to be out and about not doing work. Once the snow is gone my happiness will be back. That means I'll think of doing everything but school work. Next semester my grades will be better. Next semester I will get more invovled on campus. Next semester I won't let volleyball be the excuse of me not having a social life.

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